Balanced or Burned

Posted by Prospera Financial on September 22, 2021

All around us, “burn out” is running rampant. We’ve been forced to confront the consequences of working too hard or not enough.

Here’s what I discovered to combat this: there are methods for building up energy to get the job done and there are also ways to calm that energy and provide yourself with a healthy balance. Intermittent exercise (mini sessions of exercises that can be performed at any point during your day), like intermittent fasting, has proven to be an effective form of healthy living. What’s exciting about this is that you can exercise both mentally and physically to create a balance for the wellness of mind, body, and soul.

1. Meditating: No, you don’t have to be a shaman to do this. Meditating gives your mind an opportunity to reset, block out or bring into focus your most important task at hand. It allows you to step away for a few minutes and gather your thoughts and your breath.

2. Yoga or Tai chi: Neither of these requires you to sweat through your dress shirt and may only require about 5-10 minutes to make a difference. Just go on YouTube and follow along with a video.

3. Cardio Workouts: These are great because there are so many ways to get your blood pumping and get you up and moving. Try to “dance it out.” You’d be surprised by what a two-minute dance party can do for your body and spirit. If dancing isn’t your thing, try “walking it out.” Take a quick walk around the office or around the block. Bonus: You can meditate here too.

What I find when I share these methods with others is that they are often resistant to what may be considered a gender norm or give the excuse that they don’t have time. However, one of the biggest regrets of most successful businesspeople is that they didn’t prioritize their time and didn’t establish balance in their life. Most fail to consider the health risks associated with this lack of balance.

Considerable risks include heart disease, depression, etc. These risks don’t just have an effect on the individual, but their family, business partners, and clients. This could be forgetting to pick up your child from practice or submitting a trade incorrectly. When you are not mentally prepared for your day or a task, mistakes are made. What you must consider here is the value you place on being present as your best self for those around you.

If you are still having doubts on the effectiveness of these tips, consider this: you have an opportunity to improve your workplace strategy and make yourself more attractive to potential clients, partners, and employees. As society transitions to one that is more self-sustaining and one of self-awareness, they want to know that your values align with theirs and you aren’t too “burnt out” to get the job done. Robots burn out, but you’re not a robot; you don’t have to.


Jadzia James
Marketing Coordinator

Posted by Prospera Financial